Frequently Asked Questions On China Outbreak

1. Can we put a case of murder by spreading COVID purposely with the intention to kill on a person by their COVID infection in India?

Answer: Coronavirus is an infectious disease and transmits from one human to another through droplets and mere touching. There are plenty of symptoms of coronavirus i.e. fever, cough, sore throat, headache, loss of taste or smell, chest pain. Recently we have found the asymptomatic nature of coronavirus. The affected person will not show any kind of COVID symptom.

There are some persons who intentionally spread Covid19 to cause maximum damage to humanity. They did not approach any medical personality for treatment, nor quarantine themselves. Government must take stringent action against these abominable people and register a case of homicide against these people. Persons who are affected by coronavirus due to this minion should register a homicide case nearby the police station. Police should detain and incarcerate them for ghastly crimes. Strict action by the administration would restrain these people from conducting horrible crimes against humanity.

The government of all countries should ban public gatherings, social functions. There should be a restriction on the number of attendees to any kind of meeting. People who are not following the Covid rule should be dealt with an iron hand. In the US huge number of people were imprisoned for spreading the coronavirus. During the US presidential election, a significant number of people asked the administration to imprisoned Donald Trump for conducting superspreader rallies, which goes against the health guideline promoted by the regime of the US. Most of the US states have statutes to prohibit the transmission of contagious diseases. The rest of the states used already promulgated criminal laws to suppress the spread of the Covid19. 

2. Novel Coronavirus Covid19

Answer: The "Novel Coronavirus" is the new pathogen of a previously known virus. Novel coronavirus turned into a pandemic for the whole world. As per WHO's latest coronavirus report, a total of 20.3 crore people were affected by Covid-19, out of which 4.3 million have died. Origin of Covid-19 still shrouded under mystery. At the initial stage, WHO stated that novel coronavirus originated from the sea and fish food market of the Chinese city Wuhan. Quite a few virologists predicted that the origin of Covid19 can be traced to the Wuhan lab of China. WHO had sent multiple fact-finding teams to Wuhan lab, but they had failed to reach any kind of conclusion. They did not get any access to the Chinese lab and depend on the data provided by the Chinese scientists currently working in the Wuhan lab. WHO at the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic stated that coronavirus was not transmittable from human to human. Later WHO changed its statement and divulged that novel coronavirus can be transmittable from human to human through droplets and mere touches.

The delayed statement of WHO on Covid19 spelt doom on the world and most of the countries were already affected by the pandemic nature of novel coronavirus. We need to blame the Chinese government simultaneously to placed every information related to coronavirus under the carpet. The common symptoms of coronavirus are cough, headache, loss of taste, chest pain etc. A lot of people are affected by an asymptomatic coronavirus, which is potent enough to spread rapidly than the symptomatic coronavirus. WHO need to take all the steps to erase the novel coronavirus from the world and find out the origin of Covid19.

3. COVID-19 Vaccine

Answer: COVID-19 pandemic spreads all over the world. Almost 203 million people were affected by the coronavirus, out of which 4.3 million have died. Medical scientists took no time to invent several Covid-19 vaccines with high efficacy rates. Covid-19 vaccines i.e. Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, COVAXIN were approved by WHO. Only Russian made Gamaleya Sputnik v yet to be approved by WHO. But many countries l.e. Brazil, Hungary, India, Philippines already started to use Sputnik v, which possesses with high efficacy rate. Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Janssen were approved by the FDI of US. Pfizer-BioNTech is an mRNA kind of vaccine. A person needs to take 2 shots with a gap of 21 days. Like Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna is also an mRNA type of vaccine. For the full development of antibodies, one need to take 2 shots with a gap of 28 days. Janssen is a single shot viral vector type of Covid-19 vaccine. AstraZeneca is a non-replicating viral vector type of vaccine. One needs to take a shot with a gap of 8-12 weeks. Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine produced from inactivated virus with efficacy rate range from 50-75%. COVAXIN is India's indigenous Covid-19 vaccine. COVAXIN is produced from the inactivated virus. It is a two shots vaccine with a gap of 28 days. The efficacy rate of COVAXIN is 77.8%. 

4. Impact of the COVID-19  pandemic on education

Answer: The coronavirus spreads rapidly all over the world. Almost 184 countries were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Coronavirus stalled all the activities related to the economy. Education was worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 1.2 billion students all over the world were affected by the sudden closure of schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutes. This has boosted the online education system. Online education system. The online education system became the newest podium to disseminate education for students of all ages. For online education internet connection, tablet, laptop or android mobile are required. The increasing number of digital platforms is a direct outcome of the online education system. A significant number of people all over the world expressed their views in favour of the online educational system.

One needs to remember that students who belong to the downtrodden section of societies are unable to take the advantage of the online education system. The poor income of the family creates the biggest barriers to avail the internet connection and other gadgets to enrol themselves with the online education system. This will augment the number of school dropouts. The government of all poor income countries need to take all the steps to make online education available to the students of poor families.

5. COVID-19 vaccination in India

Answer:  COVID-19 pandemic spreads every nook and corner of India. Nor even isolated Andaman-Nicobar Iceland was spared. Almost 31 million people were affected by the coronavirus, out of which 0.42 million people have perished. India already observed the first and second waves of Covid-19. The first wave was started in March 2020 and came to an end in December 2020. The second wave of Covid-19 started on April 2021 and screeched to a halt in the second half of July 2021. The government started the vaccination drive in February 2021. From the words go the vaccination progress moved at a snail pace. The first vaccine was used by the Indian government was Covishield, which is an Indian version of AstraZeneca. Covishiled is produced by Serum Institute in Pune. In June 2021, India started to use its own indigenous Covid vaccine COVAXIN.

As per the latest available data, a total of 53.4 crores vaccine jabs were given. India's current population is 1.3 billion, out of which 11.3 were fully vaccinated and 300 million received the single jab. On average 4 million vaccines are administered per day. India also imported Sputnik v, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna to complete the vaccination drive before the end of 2021.

6. Transmission of COVID-19

Answer:  Covid-19 spreads every nook and corner of the world in no time. WHO at the very beginning stated that coronavirus is not human to human transmissible. Later WHO rectified its statement and recommended that full lockdown is the only way to stop the coronavirus to reach the pandemic stage. Droplets released from the mouth or nose of Covid-19 affected person work as a conveyor of the coronavirus. The droplets can be big or small release during cough, sneeze, interaction etc. The coronavirus spreads when two people come in close proximity to each other. Droplets enter the body through the eyes, nose or mouth.

  The transmission can be segregated into three parts. These are - A. Droplet transmission, B. Airborne transmission and C, Fomite transmission. Droplets released from an infected person can pollute the periphery of different objects and surfaces. If any person touches the contaminated surface or objects, develop a chance of being infected by the coronavirus. A person suffering from asymptomatic coronavirus is potent enough to spreads the virus with great momentum.

7. 2020 Coronavirus lockdown in India

Answer:  Coronavirus spreads every nook and corner of India very rapidly. The government clamped lockdown on the entire nation on 24th March 202 for 21 days to break the chain of coronavirus. A complete ban was imposed on both intrastate and interstate travel. All the internal and external flights were halted. An astringent ban was imposed. The nationwide lockdown played an important role in the sluggish growth of the Covid-19 pandemic in India. The country experienced such prolong lockdown for the first time. There is no such restriction was imposed on the transportation of goods and essential commodities. A couple of developed countries i.e. the USA, Italy, Spain, UK, Frane were severely affected by a novel coronavirus. LOckdown impacted the life of downtrodden people or those who entirely depend on daily wages.

The sudden lockdown dealt a telling blow to the morale of poor people. The jobless people of metros and other big cities left for their homes by crossing thousands of kilometres by tracking. Many people lost their lives during their journey home due to sultry weather and lack of food. Due to lockdown Covid-19 pandemic reach the catastrophic stage but weigh havoc on the economy of the country. For the first time GDP showed negative growth.

8. Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in India

 The impact ofCovid-19 pandemic on India economy is gigantic. Not only India, the world economy observed decline. Developed countries of the were experienced disaster, while economic growth is concerned. India is still recognised as developing countries were experiencing 4.5% GDP growth before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. During the mid of 2020, India experienced a negative GDP growth of 23%, which dealt a blow to the growth of the country's economy. All most every sector were affected by the venomous impact of coronavirus. Aviation and tourism bear the burnt coronavirus. The tourism and aviation sector contributes 11.6% to the country's total GDP. Almost 38 million people became jobless. The urban unemployment rate reached 20.8%, which is the highest since independence. The reluctance of migrants to return to the work field create a sordid picture for industrial growth. The sudden blitzkrieg of the second wave of coronavirus jolted the economy.

It is stated that the manufacturing sector is the base of the country's economy. India's manufacturing secor hit hard by coronavirus. The migration of labourers muzzled the recovery of the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector contributes 16-17% of the country's GDP. Restricted movement of goods, humans and contraction of demands jeopardised the manufacturing industries. The central government provided much-needed succour of 275 billion for quick recovery of the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector along with other sectors started to recuperate during July of 2021. Quick vaccinations and succour provided by the government boost the GDP of the first quarter of 2021-22 to 20.5%, which remains enigmatic for the developed countries o0f the world. 

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