Can COVID-19 Vaccines Fight Against Virus Mutations?

Coronavirous spreads to the farthest corner of the world. Covid19 vaccination programmes have already started in many developed and underdeveloped countries. Virologists are quite stunned to observe the mutation of the Covid19 virus, which is a threat to the current vaccination programme. According to virologists, the motion of mutation of coronavirus is slower than HIV and SARS-CoV-2. Virologist Kuber stated that genes encoding the spike protein, which incite the coronavirus to strike human cells and potent enough to become SAR-Cov-2 lineage. Montefiresi, the renowned  virologist, described the coronavirus as "alarming". But mutations of coronavirus are slower than other RNA viruses. To defang the coronavirus one must target the spike protein of the virus, which is the prime element behind the mutation and spread of the disease.

The most astonishing aspect of the Covid19 pandemic is that the virus is potent enough to change its genetic structure, which turns the immunity system of coronavirus affected people fallible. Any alteration in genetic code changed the genetic structure of the Coronavirus. The positive aspect is that the mutation occurred at a slow pace. The coronavirus received auto-generated instructions after entering into the human body and spread from one cell to another cell. One more feature of coronavirus is in all conditions it keeps the genome intact.

Human Immunity and Covid19

Coronavirus reinfection occurred to a couple of persons, which create aspersion that human immunity is not potent enough to withstand the infection and spread of coronavirus. Some immunologists stated that human immunity is robust enough to withstand the incursion of coronavirus, but not sure about the longevity of the immunity system. Human immunity in two different ways withstand the infections of coronavirus. The B cells are producing antibodies, which keep the coronavirus at bay and restore memory to withstands any future infections. The T cell creates a second layer of defence by roaming inside the body and erasing any infected cells, which creates a hiatus for the coronavirus to replicate itself. Medical scientists working on sterilizing immunity which will prevent the coronavirus from reentering the bodies.

Virologists collect data from thousands of people about how the immune system reacts to coronavirus and try to analyse data to reach a conclusion. Precious conclusions will help them produce Covid19 vaccines with high efficacy. Humans have two tyre protection, one is innate immunity and the other is adaptive immunity system. The innate immunity system consists of skin, throat, mucous membrane and different elements of blood. These primary talisman tried to stop the coronavirus from entering the body. The adaptive immunity system is the second talisman for our body against any virus infections. The main task of the adaptive immune system builds antibodies to destroy any virus. The vaccine helps our body to create B cells to develop memory for fighting back any future infections. B cells store memory for future fights and last for decades. Most coronavirus vaccines need a second dose to generate enough immunity. The person severely affected by coronavirus suffers serious damage to the lungs, kidneys, and heart due to a "cytokine storm". The immune system does not work properly for severely affected persons. T cells become inactive, resulting in the failure of the immune system to destroy the coronavirus. In medical terminology, the situation is recalled as "cytokine storms", which caused severe inflammation in the body. Acute inflammation damages the lungs, kidneys, heart and even brain. The human immunity system fights with coronavirus with two-pronged arms. First creates antibodies to destroy coronavirus, second is to restore the same in memory for future battle against coronavirus.

Herd Immunity

Herd immunity is the most important feature to stop the infection from reaching the catastrophic stage. When a prime part of a population develops immunity against a virus, it works as a talisman for those who yet to develop immunity against the disease.

Longevity of Immunity Generated by Vaccine

why is sars cov 2 so dangerous

There are some doubts hovering over the longevity of immunity generated by Covid19 vaccine. The average longevity of immunity generated by Covid19 vaccines for other diseases lasts for almost 10 years. But virologists are confused over the longevity of immunity generated by the Covid19 vaccine. India's double mutation coronavirus variant is worrying the world and raise anxiety among virologists.

SARS-CoV-2 evolution and vaccines: cause for concern?

The millions dollar question is, why is sars cov2 so dangerous? Virologists found the mutation of the Covid19 virus is a cause for concern. The mutation speed of the Covid19 vaccine is not very rapid and provides ample time for the affected person to develop immunity coupled with antibodies to destroy the affected cells and stop the virus from replication. There are a couple of Covid19 vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderana) that have a high efficacy rate. Covid vaccination and herd immunity would work in tandem to stop the disease to reach a catastrophic level. The latest positive news is covishield vaccine offers protection from the 'double mutant' variant of coronavirus.


SARS-CoV-2 evolution and vaccines: cause for concern?
COVID-19 Outbreak Explained: Can COVID-19 Vaccines Fight Against Virus Mutations?  
India's 'double mutation' covid virus variant is worrying the world,    
Covishield vaccine offers protection from 'double mutant' variant of coronavirus,  
why is sars cov 2 so dangerous?

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