When will the Coronavirus Pandemic Come to an End?

Covid19 pandemic spreads its tentacle in every nook and corner of the world and there is no sign of retreat of coronavirous. The questions like, when did covid 19 start or where did covid come from, lost its shine. In a couple of countries, coronavirous enter into the fourth stage. Few underdeveloped countries yet to start the vaccination process due to lack of vaccine and poor medical infrastructure. Already 250 million people worldwide affected by the coronavirous, out of which 1.75 million died. Virologists are at their level best to tame the Covid19, but there is no sign that the virus will be erased from the world. Most of the virologist are sure that coronavirus will persist in the world for prolong time and human beings need to cope with the coronavirus. Herd immunity is the best possible option to tame the coronavirus and limit its spread. Lockdown becomes new norms of our life, although most of the countries removed the lockdown either partially or completely to revamp the economy. The most important question, when will the coronavirus pandemic end, still remains unanswered.

When Will Coronavirus End

when will the coronavirus pandemic come to an end

Most of the developed countries muzzled the growth of Covid19 pandemic and developing countries try their level best to come out of the grip of the Covid19 pandemic virus. In a couple of nations, the spread of coronavirus reached a catastrophic stage and capable enough to inundate the couple of countries into misery. The chances of the disappearance of coronavirus are very bleak. The Covid19 vaccine would not be able to stop the transmission of the coronavirus among the human population. The government would be able to tame the spread of coronavirus, by contact tracing, clinical testing, and isolation. Countries like New Zealand, Vietnam, Singapore, Iceland controlled the spread of disease by following the above-mentioned three-pronged strategy. A dilly-dally approach would cost the USA and huge number of precious life. China's palpable approach forced the disease to keep remain mum within 3 months of inception. Other countries should learn a lesson from the countries like China, Singapore, New Zealand, Vietnam. We can not stay idle and clamped lockdown for a long time, as it will have a disastrous impact on our economy and social growth.

The Covid19 pandemic curved was flattened in USA and UK, but same can not be applicable for rest of the European countries. The new wave of Covid19 pandemic struck the shore of many European nations. Herd immunity is a distant dream for many countries and the level of herd immunity varies region and country-wise. The only silver line on the dark horizon is the efficacy level of most of the Covid19 vaccines are showing positive signs. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are doing well with an efficacy rate are above 90 per cent. Both the Covid19 vaccine grinds the spreading tentacle of Covid19 in the USA. The same thing is applicable for two other Covid19 vaccines AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Out of the four Covid19 vaccines, AstraZeneca is the cheapest and most of the underdeveloped countries can afford the coronavirus vaccine. The mutation of the coronavirus is potent enough to reduce the efficacy of Covid19 vaccines and the end of the pandemic disease is not in the offing.
The most astounding aspect of the Covid19 virus is quite a few patients remain asymptomatic, which enhances the transmission of the coronavirus. The human immune system fails to identify the intruding coronavirus. One important fact is that immunity developed by Covid19 affected persons stays longer than any other immunity system. This stops the future spread of the coronavirus. The sample of SARS-CoV-2 virus neutralized antibodies would help the serology to analyze the features of the Covid19 virus to produce a Covid19 vaccine with cent per cent efficacy, which will end the Covid19 pandemic completely.

when will the coronavirus pandemic come to an end

The most possible way to end the Covid19 pandemic is to vaccinate all the people of the world. But vaccination would not end the possibility of reinfections. There is a huge hiatus between disease control and disease elimination. Countries like Singapore, New Zealand, Vietnam, China, Denmark, South Korea able to control the coronavirus disease, but the elimination of the disease is a distinct possibility. Every nation needs to follow three golden steps, contract tracing, clinical testing, and quarantine.

The two most important features of coronavirus eradication are prevention and treatment. It is an uphill task to prevent Covid19 pandemic. Few people affected by coronavirous are not showing any symptoms. Thus prevention is almost impossible, but containment is achievable. The reality is that the coronavirus disease may stay with us for another couple of decades. The vaccination at regular interval and herd immunity is the only steps to control the virus.

When will the coronavirus pandemic end, or will the coronavirus pandemic ever be over? We are still searching for the answer of these question. The Covid19 pandemic prevails all over the world. More than one year passed away and there is no sign of recedes. Developed nations already started their vaccination program, but the same is not applicable underdeveloped countries. The best way to control the coronavirus is contact tracing, medical tests, and isolation. Herd immunity will help to tame the progress of the coronavirus. It will take prolong time for herd immunity to prevail all over the world. WHO needs to take the onus to make the Covid19 vaccine available to all underdeveloped nations, to tame the spread of the coronavirus. Children are the most vulnerable part of our society and we need to take great care to keep them safe from the vile attack of the coronavirus. Maybe the eradication of coronavirus is not possible, but we can tame the virus to a great extent, to keep our future at a safe vault.


when will the coronavirus pandemic come to an end?
when will the coronavirus pandemic end
will the coronavirus pandemic ever be over

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