China Outbreak - Is China Responsible For Covid19 Outbreak!!

Origin of China Outbreak
It is a million-dollar question, whether China is responsible for the the outbreak? Where did Covid19 come from, or how did the Covid 19 virus originate? Is it originated from Wuhan lab? We will try to analyse the origin of coronavirus disease. Coronavirus originated from the Chinese city Wuhan! As per some international media Both


the Chinese government and WHO kept the incident under the carpet. According to WHO's interpretation coronavirus discovered from the sea and fish food market of Wuhan or Wuhan wet market and later spreads every nook and corners of the world.The Chinese government was too quick to suppress it, calling it a virus that spreads from local fish and animal markets ( or Wuhan wet markets) resulting in millions of deaths and a debilitating economy. The virus of Covid 19 rapidly changing, revolving in a new environment and makes the innovation of vaccine an uphill task. A coronavirus is a large group of virus which evolves very fast with changing situation and environment.

This is a core of genetic materials, surrounded by a lipid envelope with protein spike. The word Corona is a Latin word that means crown. The structure of the coronavirus is almost similar to the crown. There are different type of coronavirus affecting humans and animals. The prime target of coronavirus is the respiratory organ. Resulting in cough, cold, fever and breathing problem. The Covid19 first surfaced in December 2019. The coronavirus originally finds in animals and later spilt over to the human body; spreading rapidly like wildfire.
Chines Lab – Covid19 Outbreak

The most common coronavirus symptoms are fever, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath and respiratory failure. The average time for covid symptoms to appear is 2-14 days post-exposure to the virus. The new symptoms of Covid-19 are severe gastric upsets, blood clots, gangrene. According to some Western journalist, it was first surfaced in November 2019. The Chinese government was too quick to suppress it, calling it a virus that spreads from local fish and animal markets. Lee Wean Lion, the whistleblower, who first raised alarm, which was quickly muzzled by the Chinese government. He was later died at the tender age of thirty-four, due to a mortal infection of coronavirus. The testing lab that cracks the code of the disease as Corona, asked by the Chinese government to submit the samples and destroyed all the evidence. Chinese doctor Ai Fen opened the lid of worms and informed the world that authorities has stopped her and her colleagues from warning the world about the pandemic nature of the coronavirus. She is now disappeared and nobody found any trace of her. 
Covid19 Outbreak Spread All over the Word 

Few journalists raised the question, Should China CDC (Center for Disease Control) be responsible for the outbreak of Covid-19? According to some American journalist, a medical research lab, which is in close proximity to the Wuhan animal and fish market, responsible for the spreading of the disease. The Wuhan lab experimented on more than 600 viruses. This may be the fallout of biological weapon research. The (Wuhan) lab experimented on more than 600 viruses. Some of the virologists called the incident a Wuhan lab leak. The accidental escapes of coronavirus from the Wuhan lab inundate the whole world into turmoil. Namely, there are two labs, one Wuhan Institute of Virology (or Wuhan virology lab)  and the other one is Wuhan Center for Disease Control & Prevention. Both are very adjacent to Wuhan fish and animal markets.Now million dollar question is who owns Wuhan lab in china? According to some sources, Wuhan laboratory is owned by Glaxo, which is not true. The lab is part of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), which is controlled by the State Council of the People's Republic of China. The Wuhan lab is part of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), which is controlled by the State Council of the People's Republic of China.

How China Succesfully controlled the Outbreak

During the initial stage of the Covid19 pandemic, China banned all domestic flights, but international flights remain untouched. If the Chinese regime imposed a complete ban on both ways international flights, would have saved the world from the catastrophe of Covid19 pandemic. The Chinese government was well aware of the human to human transmit ability of coronavirus. Many virologists stated that the Wuhan city lab is the origin of coronavirus. The sources said that the lab was used for stockpiles of different type of coronavirous and hub of military activities. A major chunk of scientists approved these claims. Former USA president Donald Trump patronised the theory which solely blames China for the Covid19 pandemic. WHO's head Tedros stressed more research and investigation before reach to any conclusion. The investigation team of WHO had partial access to the Chinese - research - Wuhan lab and need to depend on samples provided by Chinese experts.
According to immunologists Nikolai Petrovosky, the Covid19 virus generated from the lab with human cells potent enough to express human ACE2 protein. Many virologists scotched the theory and stressed on natural sources of Covid19. Virologist should confirm the origin of Covid19 to stop the viral virus to reach the catastrophic stage. An independent Chinese journalist Zhang Zhan jailed for four years for trivial charges of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble". Zhang Zhou a 37 years old journalist, is the first person to expose the human to human transmit ability of coronavirus. She had started a hunger strike and jail authority forcefully fed her. The flurry of incidents turned her too weak to walk on her feet. This incident testified that the Chinese regime tightens their noose around the neck of the media and publication house. Communist forced the Chinese media to circulated the fabricated news that Covid19 was originated from outside China and imported to Wuhan city. China later controls the spread of coronavirus by effectively following contact tracing and quarantine policy.

Is China responsible Covid19 Outbreak?

Zhen Zhang is not alone who faced the guillotine of the Chinese administration. Journalist like Chen Quiho, Li Zehua, Fang Bin faces the same ramrod of Chinese administration for a brave journalist to open the lid of worm of Coronavirus.

That raised a lot of eyebrows. The UNI should take stringent action against the Chinese government for concealing important information related to the pandemic disease. Banishment of the Chinese economy to be a great tribute for those who perished by a coronavirus. Still, quite a few journalists raise the question "whether China is responsible for the Covid19 outbreak?"

If the Chinese government shared all the information related to the coronavirus with WHO would save the world from the disaster of Covid19 pandemic. WHO needs to send another investigation team to Wuhan lab and hope this time Chinese lab official will cooperate with the investigation team to unearth the details of coronavirus. The questions remain unresolved is covid 19 where did it come from, Did covid 19 come from Wuhan lab or did Wuhan China bats played the role of conveyor belt to spread the disease?

Donald Trump failed to pressurised WHO to find out the origin of the coronavirus or anecdote behind the story of the Wuhan lab leak. Newly elected USA president Joe Bidden facing an uphill task to unearth the origin of coronavirus. WHO's willy nilly approach creates an impregnable obstruction towards round-up of real culprits. Recently WHO sends a fact-finding team to Wuhan lab, which unable to get access to the lab. The samples provided by Chinese scientists are not reliable. The prime question, where did covid19 come from, is now plunged under mystery. Chinese government adamant approach not to give full access to any international fact-finding team creates a kerfuffle. The USA administration stated that if there is nothing wrong with the Wuhan lab, then why so much obfuscation observed in the Chinese regime. The USA is the biggest donor to WHO's burse and potent enough to make the USA accountable. Former USA president Donald Trump failed to compelled WHO to take tangible steps to unearth the origin of Covid-19. WHO on the other hand is a debilitated organisation that hugely depends on alms of member nations and spends most of the revenue to bear the travel expenditure of officials, rather than on benevolent activities. USA needs to play a pivotal role in the organizational reform of WHO. WHO's investigation team failed to reach any conclusion, as Chinese scientists declined to share raw data at the behest of the Chinese government. Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that the Chinese government is responsible for the worldwide spread of coronavirus pandemic, as the Chinese government did not share major information related to the coronavirus at the initial stage of the pandemic. The death of 1.9 million people worldwide will be going to haunt the current Chinese regime.


Wuhan wet market,
Covid19 symptoms,
Wuhan lab leak,
Wuhan virology lab 
where did covid19 come from
how did covid 19 virus originate
covid 19 where did it come from
Is China responsible for the Covid19 outbreak?
To what extent is China responsible for the global outbreak of Covid-19?
Should China CDC (Center for Disease Control) be responsible for the outbreak of Covid-19?
Can China be sued for the Covid19 outbreak?  
The Covid19 symptom 


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